For Providers NOT in Adams, Brown, Cook, Henry, Jackson, Kane, Madison, Mercer, Perry, Pike, Randolph, Rock Island, Scott, St. Clair, Washington or Williamson Counties
In an effort to help educate your existing patients about the changes in HFS Medical Programs, Automated Health Systems and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) have prepared an Existing Patient Education Form Letter and Illinois Health Connect Patient Information Sheet. This information is intended for use by your office only and may only be reproduced by your office.
You may mail or share the Form Letter with your existing patients only, for the sole purpose of educating them about choosing a PCP and your availability as a participating PCP in Illinois Health Connect. Changes to the letter may not be made without prior approval from HFS. You may submit changes to the following address:
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Bureau of Managed Care
201 S. Grand Ave. East
Springfield, IL 62763.
You may choose to send the Illinois Health Connect Information Sheet to your existing patients with the Form Letter.
Before sharing the Form Letter with your existing patients, you will need to fill in all appropriate office information and patient information as identified in the letter. You may also print the Form Letter on your letterhead.
Should an existing patient have additional questions about choosing a PCP in Illinois Health Connect, you may answer their questions. For additional assistance, you may refer your existing patients to the Illinois Health Connect Client Helpline at 1-877-912-1999 (TYY: 1-866-565-8577). The call is free.
Here is the Existing Patient Education Form Letter (for All Providers NOT in Adams, Brown, Cook, Henry, Kane, Jackson, Madison, Mercer, Perry, Pike, Randolph, Rock Island, Scott, St. Clair, Washington or Williamson Counties).
Here is the Existing Patient Education Form Letter in Spanish (for All Providers NOT in Adams, Brown, Cook, Henry, Kane, Jackson, Madison, Mercer, Perry, Pike, Randolph, Rock Island, Scott, St. Clair, Washington or Williamson Counties).
Here is the Illinois Health Connect Patient Information Sheet that you may share with your existing patients.
Here is a Poster announcing participation in Illinois Health Connect that you may use. You will first need to fill in your appropriate office information.
Here is a Poster announcing participation in Illinois Health Connect in Spanish that you may use. You will first need to fill in your appropriate office information.
(If you are unable to open the downloaded documents, please downloadMicrosoft Word Viewer 2003 - it is a free download.)
(Downloadable file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader - Free Download)