Client Information
Who MUST join Illinois Health Connect?
Most people with an HFS or All Kids Medical Card MUST join Illinois Health Connect.
Who CANNOT Join Illinois Health Connect?
- People who receive Medicare
- Kids under age 21 who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Children in foster care and children who get Subsidized Guardianship or Adoption Assistance from DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services)
- Kids under age 21 who are blind or who have a disability
- People who live in nursing facilities
- People with spenddown
- People in Presumptive Eligibility programs
- Refugees and Iraqi and Afghan immigrants
- Some people in Home and Community-Based Waiver programs, like persons with developmental disabilities or children who are medically fragile, technology dependent.
- People enrolled for treatment in the Health Benefits for Persons with Breast or Cervical Cancer Program
- People living in Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILAs)
- Children under age 21 whose care is managed by the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) of the University of Illinois at Chicago
- People in the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- People with private health insurance (also called Third Party Liability or TPL)
- Emergency Medical Only
- Hospice
- Sexual Assault, Renal and Hemophilia programs
How do I enroll?
It is easy to join Illinois Health Connect.
First pick a PCP. Think about where you and your family get healthcare now. Do you want to stay with that doctor or clinic,
or do you know another doctor or clinic that you like? Call that doctor or clinic or the Illinois Health Connect Helpline to see if they are part of Illinois Health Connect.
- If your doctor or clinic is part of Illinois Health Connect, you can pick them as your PCP. You do not have to pick the same PCP for all members of your family.
- If your doctor or clinic is not a part of Illinois Health Connect, we will help you choose another PCP. Call us at 1-877-912-1999 (TTY 1-866-565-8577). This call is free.
- Or go to the Illinois Health Connect PCP Directory to search for a PCP.
You do not have to pick your current doctor to be your PCP. You may pick a new doctor to be your PCP.
Once you have picked a PCP, you can enroll in Illinois Health Connect three ways:
- PHONE: Call us at 1-877-912-1999 (TTY: 1-866-565-8577). The call is free. We will help you pick a PCP.
- MAIL: Fill out the enrollment form you received in your packet. Mail the form back to Illinois Health Connect in the envelope provided.
- Illinois Health Connect
1375 East Woodfield Road, Suite 600
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5418
- ONLINE: Proceed to Illinois Health Connect Client Online Enrollment.
Need more help to pick the best PCP? Call the Illinois Health Connect Client Helpline at 1-877-912-1999 (TTY: 1-866-565-8577). The call is free.
What is a medical home?
A medical home is the place you go for healthcare. Your medical home is where all of your records are kept.
You and your family will go to your medical home to see your Primary Care Provider (PCP) when you are sick or due for a checkup.
- All your medical records are kept there in one place.
- Your primary care provider gets to know you well.
- You get better health care because your personal doctor knows all of your health care needs.
- You and your family get the top quality health care you need to stay healthy.
Even if you are healthy and never get sick, it is good to have a medical home.
Why is it good to have a medical home?
It is good to have a medical home because you get better healthcare. When you have a medical home, your PCP will get to know you well.
You will feel more comfortable talking to your PCP about your health or any problems or questions you have. That way, you and your family
get the quality healthcare you need to stay healthy. Even if you are healthy and never get sick, it is good to have a medical home.
What is a Primary Care Provider (PCP)?
A Primary Care Provider (PCP) is the family doctor, nurse or other healthcare provider at your medical
home who takes care of you and your family. Your PCP gets to know you well.
Your PCP will:
- Take care of you when you are sick.
- Give your children check-ups and immunizations (shots) to stay well.
- Help you manage diseases and other conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.
- Refer you to specialists or other healthcare providers when you need to go.
- Answer questions you have about your health care.
- Give you the information you need to stay healthy.
- Work with you to get the health care you need.
What is Healthy Kids?
It is very important for children to have regular checkups, even when they are not sick. Healthy Kids is a free health¬care program for babies,
kids, teens, and some young adults (birth through age 20). Young adults, age 19 and 20, may qualify as adults if they are a parent or caretaker
relative of an eligible child, have a disability or are pregnant. At checkups, your PCP can catch little problems before they become more serious.
If a problem is found during a Healthy Kids exam, your PCP can refer you to a specialist.
Additional Client Information
Here are some documents that explain more about Illinois Health Connect.
You can visit the Client FAQs page to find answers to frequently asked questions.
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