One of the primary goals of Illinois Health Connect is to support the work of the medical home physicians and other providers and to provide quality assurance tools to the medical home.
PCPs who achieve benchmark performance in areas identified by HFS and in accordance with the methodology developed by IHC, HFS and provider advisory groups, can qualify to receive an annual bonus incentive payment.
Panel rosters include specific information about when an enrollee in their panel is due for a lead screening, well child screening, or adult preventive services based on claims data.
Provider Profiles provide an overview of patient care goals to help support the PCP's quality assurance efforts. The Profiles provide a summary of each PCPs performance on several clinical indicators.
IHC provides electronic access to a summary of the claims for any current HFS client. The Claims History include pharmacy claims, and contains at least seven years for immunization claims.
Search for drugs by both generic and brand names to immediately determine if the drug requires prior authorization (PA) and also information regarding the PA process, forms and requirements.